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State intervention vital if Britain is to meet its green energy targets

"Britain must revert to greater state control of energy markets to hit ambitious targets on renewable energy and climate change, according to the former head of BP."

Category: Energy sources


James Lovelock on Biochar: let the Earth remove CO2 for us

"James Lovelock: George Monbiot is wrong to dismiss biochar out of hand – burying carbon is one way to tackle climate change"

Category: Climate Change


Microwaves 'improve fog landings'

"Passengers flying into Heathrow in fog or poor visibility will be guided in using a new microwave-based system."

Category: Transport, Radiation


Transport: Turning on to Nano-man

Should Indians adopt the $2000 car or opt for public transport?

Category: Transport


Solar: 'Too popular' green scheme closed

"Environmental campaigners say they are astonished at the government's decision to suspend a scheme which gave grants to schools, hospitals and other public buildings to switch to renewable energy. The Low Carbon Buildings...

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 1341 to 1345 out of 2977